As we know, there is the constant polarization between medical professionals as to what types of medical treatments are better, Natural or Medical. We, as consumers, are left in the middle wondering about the facts. The truth is, competent solutions to medical problems come from both camps. For example, I have met many a Chiropractor that was very dogmatic about their patients not using any drugs at all and vice versa for regular Doctors. Personally, I respect both. In fact, I would not go to any regular Doctor or Chiropractor that would not refer me to the opposite camp if necessary. Those that work together get my business.
That said, maybe the most overlooked natural substance for daily health is OXYGEN. We’re all aware of the fact that, without it, our life is very short. As a veteran vocal coach, I have heard the following questions from my students over the years.
How do I get breathing exercises to improve my voice?
How do I cure my sore throat naturally?
How do I find breathing exercises for tension?
Where do I find strange facts on abdominal muscles?
Where do I get vocal tips for live sound?
Where can find deep breathing exercises?
How can I cure my raspy voice after I stop smoking?
How about home remedies for sore vocal chords?
To answer these questions to a worldwide audience, I have written the powerful e-book, “Singing and Speaking on the Edge of a Grunt”. If you purchase it, I guarantee positive results in your voice in a short amount of time. It has been my experience in over 25 years of teaching voice that most people do not breathe correctly. When they breathe, their “shoulders” move up instead of their “belly” moving out. This means that they are getting about one third of the oxygen that is needed to get a full breath. It is a fact that a lack of oxygen will affect our health. When vocalize, though, we need as music oxygen as possible to perform with a powerful voice.
I have a FREE on-line video that teaches you how to breathe correctly. Click HERE to see it.
For the next few Blogs, I will be offering important information on Oxygen and Breathing. Here is some important information to start.
Oxygen is our greatest and first source of energy. It is the fuel required for the proper operation of all body systems. Only 10% of your energy comes from food and water, 90% of our energy comes from oxygen. Oxygen gives our body the ability to rebuild itself. Oxygen detoxifies the blood, and strengthens the Immune System.
Oxygen displaces deadly free radicals, neutralizes environmental toxins, and destroys anaerobic (depleted of oxygen) bacteria, parasites, microbes and viruses. Oxygen greatly enhances the body's absorption of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, and other important nutrients. Oxygen enhances brain-power and memory. Oxygen can beneficially affect your learning ability. The ability to think, feel and act is all, dependent on oxygen. It also calms the mind and stabilizes the nervous system. Oxygen heightens concentration and alertness. Without oxygen, brain cells die and deteriorate quickly.
As we age, and oxygen deficiency increases, it takes longer to learn, and your retention span is decreased. We can live for weeks without food. We can even live for days without water. But we can only live for minutes without oxygen. Oxygen strengthens the heart. Increased oxygen lowers the resting heart rate and strengthens the contraction of the cardiac muscle. Virtually all heart attacks can be attributed to a failure to deliver oxygen to the heart muscle. Dr. Richard Lippman, renowned researcher states that a lack of oxygen (hypoxia) is the prime cause of 1.5 million heart attacks each year.
Research studies show that mild hypoxia increases the heart and respiratory rates; however, prolonged or severe hypoxia results in lung or heart failure. Maintaining proper oxygen levels in the body is a vital ingredient to health, vitality, physical stamina and endurance. You must have a means of replenishing your oxygen level. Researchers, scientists, molecular biologists, nutritional specialists, and others have reported health benefits from increased oxygen uptake. World-class professional athletes, universities, renowned fitness trainers, coaches, and "average" citizens have also reported experiencing many of these benefits.
Read what the experts say!
"...When the body has ample oxygen, it produces enough energy to optimize metabolism and eliminate accumulated toxic wastes in the tissues.
Natural immunity is achieved when the immune system is not burdened with heavy "toxic buildup”. Detoxification occurs when oxygen is introduced into the system".
Dr. Norman McVea
"...Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life threatening disease. The link between insufficient oxygen and disease has now been firmly established. The more oxygen we have in our system, the more energy we produce."
Dr. W. Spencer Way: Journal of the American Association of Physicians
"...The large majority of those infectious microbes that cause us so much illness and pain are ANAEROIC...a big word that means they live and proliferate best in environments where there is LITTLE OR NO OXYGEN".
Ed McCabe: Oxygen Therapies: A New Way of Approaching Disease
"...Lack of oxygen clearly plays a major role in causing cells to become cancerous."
Dr. Harry Goldblatt: Journal of Experimental Medicine
I hope the important information helps you. We have much to discuss on the matter and we will do that the next time we meet.
Please don’t forget to sign up to my Blog and share with your contacts.

Also visit my web site and purchase my e-book, “Singing and speaking on the Edge of a Grunt”. I guarantee Vocal Power results!
See you next time!
Jonathan Morgan Jenkins
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