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Vocal Warrior teaches Music Mixing Advice, Persuasive Speech Topics, Demonstration Speech Ideas , Vocal Training, Vocal Technique, Geriatric Voice Therapy and Audio CD mastering. Are you a Karaoke Singer? Buy equipment for your Home Recording Studio and become the next AMERICAN IDOL!
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FEATURE ARTICLE / Singing/Karaoke Myths
Karaoke singer attacked in Wash. bar
Fri Aug 10, 6:05 PM ET
A woman attacked a karaoke singer belting out Coldplay on Thursday night, telling him he "sucked" before she pushed and punched him to get him to stop singing, bar staff said. The man was singing "Yellow" when it happened.
"It took three or four of us to hold her down," bartender Robert Willmette said.
When she was escorted outside, the 21-year-old woman "went crazy," Willmette said, throwing punches at him and others, including an off-duty police officer.
Patrol officers and detectives then arrived at the neighborhood bar and blocked off the street, which inflamed the woman's rage even more, a police report said. Before police could handcuff the woman, she headbutted the off-duty officer at least twice.
The off-duty officer was treated for cuts, scrapes and bruises.
After treatment for injuries, the woman was booked into the King County jail for investigation of assault. She was also held on a warrant issued for a previous theft charge.
According to bartender notes, she had only a single shot of Jagermeister.
Hello fellow Vocalists.
You do not want this to happen to you! If you are singing so badly that you are inciting a riot, maybe time for some formal training.
I have been around amateur singers since the early sixties and I was one myself in the early days of the folk/rock generation. During this often socially turbulent time period the younger generation was rejecting all the norms of society and trying to create their own "Social Utopia".
There were certainly many aspects to our culture that needed a second look. Unfortunately, in the musical community, many of us also rejected the norms of formal musical training, as it was “just part of the oppressive educational culture.” Many said, “I don’t need any training. If I can play a few chords and sing with the voice I have, I can be a star.”
Sounds silly, doesn't it? Although it is certainly true that there were many successful musicians in that period that became big stars, many more could have if they had been trained. As I continue to train vocalists today, unfortunately, the same ignorant attitudes about training still exist. For our discussion here, I will focus on vocal training, as that is my main expertise. More information on my professional credentials can be found @ Vocal Warrior.
If you were to decide to play a clarinet, would you just rent or buy the instrument and think you could just take it home and begin to play it? Of course not! But, when it gets the voice weather we are Singers, Speakers or Actors, this is exactly how many approach being a Vocalist. We think we either have it or we don’t. Part of the reason for this is because our voice already functions for basic communication and we get satisfied with the status quo.
I was certainly one of these people. When I started college with a goal to teach voice and choral music, I found out real quick how much my voice lacked training. Unfortunately, I learned little from the techniques used to help me improve by my Vocal Professors. It was'nt until I began to teach real people myself that my own voice changed and I was able to help others. I learned by doing and not from some pinhead educator.
Well, back to Karaoke singers. First, I admire anybody who has the nerve to get up in front of a bunch of strangers and risk rejection when they attempt to use one of our most personal body parts to make music. But, the problem arises when someone sounds awful and thinks they sound okay.
American Idol is the first show to really set people straight about the quality of there own instrument. One of my goals with my web business, http://www.vocaltrainingwarrior.com/, is to offer revolutionary vocal training techniques to Actors, Speakers and Singers. My voice has been transformed through using my own techniques. I have taken over 26 years of teaching voice and packaged my techniques in my groundbreaking downloadable e-book, Singing and Speaking on the Edge of a Grunt.
In closing, if you want to be a successful or just a good sounding singer or speaker, you need proper training to reach your potential. Do not make the mistake of not reaching your potential. But my e-book and change your voice and your life.
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See you next time.
Jonathan Morgan Jenkins http://www.vocaltrainingwarrior.com/
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